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Headteacher's Welcome
I hope that this website will give you a clear idea of our values, and the opportunities that are available at Kenilworth School & Sixth Form. We are committed to inspiring all of our young people to enjoy their learning, think for themselves and develop a range of character traits that will enable them to succeed in life and make an active contribution to society. We see it as education for life as the time that our students are with us is a short period in a lifetime so, if we have made a lasting difference and inspired our students, it makes us proud.
In the words of the Greek writer Plutarch, ‘The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be lit’. We live by this mantra and believe that everyone with a mind and passion to learn can excel and achieve great things. We reward our students when they develop five important character traits which we call the 5Rs of reasoning, resourcefulness, reflectiveness, responsibility and resilience, demonstrated in lessons, enrichment activities and outside of school. We do this because we believe that they are key to acquiring the ‘etiquette for success’ in their future studies or in employment.
We combine high aspirations with a care for individual students. We listen to our students who tell us that they are happy and feel safe in school. They enjoy good relationships with their fellow students and staff who always ‘go the extra mile’ to support them. We are a friendly, orderly school with a well-earned reputation for academic and personal achievement. In our environment students are given every chance to grow and achieve success, both within the school community and beyond.
Kenilworth School & Sixth Form embraces its role as a comprehensive school serving the whole community. In addition to the good work carried in the classroom there are many clubs and activities that take place outside of school hours. We encourage our students to show initiative and many have organised a range of activities and very impressive fund raising events for local and national charities which have made a difference to the life chances of other less fortunate or disadvantaged communities.
Our curriculum centres around our definition of learning as a change in long term memory. Students’ knowledge is built on from one year to the next and through careful structuring and revisiting, it is retained for the long term. We use FAR marking to allow students to demonstrate their learning, provide them with feedback and empower them to improve.
We listen carefully to what our students tell us about the quality of their education and personal development through structured and regular student voice. We provide students with opportunities to work with others across year groups to support their study skills and enhance confidence and self-esteem.
As well as being a great place to learn, Kenilworth School is a wonderful place to teach. Our happy students and an ethos of opportunity and success mean that we attract the best, most skilled practitioners in the profession. An ethos of curiosity and enquiry is encouraged, and children feel genuinely cared for.
Students achieve their best when school and home work in harmony. We value the contribution made by parents, carers, governors and the community to ensure that we maintain high standards in all aspects of school life.
If you choose to join our welcoming community, I look forward to working in partnership with you in the near future
Mr D. Nicholas