Kenilworth School and Sixth Form

External Exam Information





Year-11 Mock Timetable March 2025


I would like to provide some information and clarity regarding the mock examinations for year 11,12 and 13.


Please see a recent announcement by Ofqual new guidance to schools and colleges on collecting student performance evidence. This is indicative of previous exam series contingency plans to include direction for this academic year and future years.  


This is to ensure resilience in the qualifications system for GCSEs, A-levels, in the unlikely event that government determines that exams are not able to go ahead. The guidance asks that schools and colleges make sure that students sit mock exams in exam conditions before their formal exams, and that their papers are kept as evidence. One set of mocks for this purpose should be enough alternative evidence of student performance to enable alternative methods of awarding grades, such as Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs), if needed.  We will use the forthcoming mock exams to support this request.


In line with this request, it is key that students sit their mock exams at the scheduled date and time.  If you feel unwell on the day of your exam please make every effort to come into school even if they are only to attend the exam.  We always have used these mocks to encourage students to treat them like the real summer series, so that they are familiar with the rules, procedures and expectations of actual GCSE and GCE examinations.  Just like the summer exams, during these mocks we will keep a record of students who may qualify for special consideration so if anyone suffers with illness, bereavement or a critical incident during this period we will be able to use this if exams are cancelled and TAGS are applied. If there is non attendance for a "non valid" reason the student will receive a 0 as in the real examinations.


If you do have an important appointment which causes an issue with the scheduled exam timetables, please contact Mrs Kelly ( for Year 11 and Mrs Chamberlain ( for Year 12 and 13, or just drop by to the exam office at break / lunch time to discuss.


Thank you.


Mrs Kelly

Senior Examinations Officer

Kenilworth School and Sixth Form


Important Exam Information – Summer 2025

All students completing A Level or GCSE exams in Summer 2025 need to be available up until and including Wednesday 25th June (JCQ Contingency Day)

A Level results day is Thursday 14th August 2025.

GCSE results day is Thursday 21st August 2025.


Summer 2025 contingency days 

The awarding bodies have collectively agreed a contingency day for several years now which is always scheduled at the end of the GCSE, GCE AS and A-level exam timetables.

The contingency day is in the event of national or significant local disruption to exams in the United Kingdom, being part of the awarding bodies’ standard contingency planning for exams.

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, further resilience was needed within the exam timetables. A single contingency day was not felt to be sufficient if a national event or incident had a significant effect on the exam timetable. For example, summer exams could be affected by extremely high temperatures.

For the June 2024 exams, the awarding bodies have therefore introduced two additional half-day contingency sessions. These are on 11th June 2025 PM. The standard contingency day remains at the end of the timetable being scheduled on 25th June 2025.

Schools and colleges should ensure candidates and parents are aware of the contingency arrangements on these three days. They should consider the contingency day of Wednesday 28 June 2023 when making their plans for the summer. Candidates should be encouraged to remain available until 25th June 2025 should examinations need to be rescheduled.

Year Exam Grades – Key Stage 4


Depending on options taken, it is possible that reports will have a mixture of GCSE (9-1) and Btec. Please see the table below to see what the new GCSE grades and the Btec grades equate to.


GCSE Grade 4 will be considered a ‘standard pass’

GCSE Grade 5 will be the ‘good pass’

GCSE   Btec
New GCSE Grade (9-1) GCSE Equivalent Grade (A*-G)   Btec Grade GCSE Equivalent (9-1)
9 A*   Distinction 8/9
8 A/A*   Distinction 7
7 A   Merit 5/6
6 B   Pass 4
5 B/C   L1p 3
4 C      
3 D      
2 E/F      
1 F/G      

All parents and students can find examination information including JCQ guidelines and summer timetables and mock time tables as the becomes available on the VLE.  If you have any queries or concerns please contact:


Mrs J Kelly - Senior Examinations Officer

01926 859421


Mrs M Chamberlain - Examinations Officer (Sixth Form)

01926 513655


Academic year 2022/2023

In the event of possible school closure due to bad weather, power cuts etc students sitting their GCSE/GCE exams must assume that their exams will take place unless there is a note to the contrary on the school web site. The school may be closed to other students but every effort will be made to open to ensure external exams can take place.

However please note the following:
  • Exams will still take place on the timetabled day and in the timetabled session, i.e. am or pm.
  • Exam start times may be delayed slightly to ensure staffing arrangements are in accordance with exam regulations – students will be supervised by centre staff if necessary.
  • Students should make every effort to attend their exams. If a student is going to be late for their exam or is unable to attend, please inform the school by telephone on 01926 859421 as soon as possible.
  • Unless it is the final chance to take that exam it is unlikely we will be able to apply for special consideration if an exam is missed. You will need to take it in the next available session. 

In the event that the school is unable to open for exams at all, we will take advice from the relevant exams board and post that advice on the school web site.