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Eco Committee
Second Hand September
The rise of ‘fast fashion’ has led to an estimated 92 million tonnes of textiles waste being created each year and, in the UK alone, of the 300,000 tonnes of clothing donated to charity annually, 80% goes to waste.
So this initiative which suggests that in September we only buy pre-loved clothing and try to be mindful about our clothing consumption. Therefore, some Year 13 students organised a Sixth Form second hand clothes swap. Students brought clothes in, these were exchanged for a ticket and then attended the Clothes Swap on Friday.
Good to see so many students browsing the rails and stopping clothes going into landfill!
Blue lidded bin update on what can be recycled
- foil lined packaging - crisp/snack packets, coffee bags
- cheese, fish and meat wrapping
- outer layer bags and wrapping - multipacks, toilet and kitchen roll wrapping, magazine and newspaper wrapping
- plastic film and sleeves - removable film lids, plastic sleeves for bottles and jars
- bubble wrap and cling film
- fruit and vegetable net bags
- food and drink cartons (TetraPak)
Place these items next to your bin in a bag:
- textiles
- household batteries
- small electrical items
Click on the link to see the full list
Kenilworth Schools Achieves a Distinction in the Eco Schools Award
When we moved to the new school site the Eco Committee led by Joe, Rebecca, Frankie, Kate, Olivia and Lauren) wanted to make the school a greener place and worked very hard to achieve that, supported by students, staff, parents and the wider community.
The work they completed last year (whilst studying for their A levels was truly amazing) and they accomplished many things including: getting plants into classrooms, successfully getting shrubs from the Woodlands Trust and HS2 which were planted in the school and in the local community, attending meetings, both in and outside of school to liaise with the Kenilworth Climate Change Emergency Group, ran assemblies, bake sales, Earth Day celebrations, hosted some of the plants rescued from Talisman Square and much, much more!
One of the key points the Eco Schools Award Group said about our application was that the school had been wise to work with the community on many of these matters. This is something we would love to continue and luckily the Kenilworth Community Gardeners who kindly donated the plants from Talisman Square to us have helped us by weeding and are going to donate some spring bulbs to us
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- Eco Committee