Pupil Premium - Year 7 Catch Up - summer school Funding
We do have additional ‘Pupil Premium’ funding available from the government to raise the levels of achievement and improve outcomes for specific groups of students in all key stages (KS3,4 and 5). These include students who are eligible for free school meals, looked after children and those families with parents in the armed forces. Whist we are aware of most of the students for whom these criteria apply, there may be some families whose entitlement we are unaware. If your circumstances change, you may be eligible for free school meals and to some funding from the pupil premium which can be used as contributions for a variety of educational purposes, including trips.
Pupil Premium Strategy 2024 - 2025
Pupil Premium grant expenditure 2022-2025
pupil premium spending 2022-2023
Pupil Premium grant impact report
Summer School funding report 2021
Pupil Premium grant expenditure 2021-22Pupil Premium Grant Impact Report 2021-22
Review of pupil premium strategy 2020-21
Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch up report 2019-20