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Typical Day at Kenilworth School
The video below was made with several Year 7 students. It shows a typical day at Kenilworth School.
The video follows a student through the day starting with an assembly, followed by lessons, break times, lunchtimes and after school activities.
It is an excellent way for any child who may be coming to Kenilworth School to get a flavour of what it is like to be part of our community.
further information:
The move from Primary to Secondary School can be quite a daunting experience for some. Therefore, our aim is to make this move as smooth as possible.
Ways in which we do this are:
The Head of Year 7 and SENCO visit all main feeder schools to talk to the students and the Year 6 teachers. We gather a detailed profile of every student and can provide instant answers to questions students may have.
Providing a fully structured induction day in the summer term, to allow students to familiarise themselves with the school, meet their tutors and sample a variety of new subjects. That evening, parents are invited to school to meet the Headteacher, Head of Year and the Year 7 tutors.
This year’s induction day and parents’ information evening is calendared for Wednesday 10th July 2024. Parents will receive further information regarding both events nearer the time.
New Year 7 students will also have the opportunity to attend a summer school event run by our PE department. This takes place in the first week of the summer holiday – this year week commencing 22nd July 2024.
As a result of all of this, students arrive in September with confidence, ready to engage and learn.
List of Primary Feeder Schools:
- Park Hill Junior School
- St John’s Primary School
- All Saints’ C of E Primary School
- Clinton Primary School
- Priors Field Primary School
- St Augustine’s R C Primary School
- St Nicholas’ C of E Primary School
School uniform information: